Roald Dahl Day is this Sunday!
The wonderful people at the official Roald Dahl website have created a party pack for you to download and use, so you can find that by clicking here.
And yes! They’ve also made one for titchy toddlers – click here to download that one
There’s even more interesting activities, videos and downloads provided by Puffin Books, all based on Roald Dahl’s fabulous stories!
Here’s a video of a storytime of The Witches (an excerpt) – opens in a new tab
What about activity ideas based on Charlie and The Chocolate Factory? Click here to download that one!
This whipple-scrumptious activity pack is filled with fun inspired by Roald Dahl’s story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Did you know Roald Dahl used to be a chocolate tester for a rather well known chocolatier while he was at school? Perhaps that’s when he first started dreaming about oompa-loompas and chocolate rivers . . . .
This pack includes:
- Roald Dahl book quiz
- Inventing room challenge
- Golden ticket maze
- Willy Wonka’s pick ‘n’ mix wordsearch
- Character dress up ideas
- Top hat template
- Golden Ticket template
- Wonka Bar template
Or you could join Quentin Blake in drawing Willy Wonka or an Oompa Loompa!
If Matilda’s your favourite, you could download her paper ball activity, a writing prompt thinking about the future , make a newt float, or download a diary for you to fill in (this one’s big, so maybe ask your parents if it’s okay to print pages out!)
Puffin also created a learning pack all about George’s Marvellous Medicine – it was aimed at schools, but we’ve looked through it and there are some awesome activities in there that we think you’ll love, and can do at home!
Download that one here
You can print out and make some fabulous Bookmarks (print them out onto card and they’ll be sturdy)
There’s an Enormous Crocodile Word Game to make (Here’s the direct link to the Puffin website, because it’s got a lot of instructions!)
As always, we’d love to see what you’ve been up to, so please hashtag #RoaldDahlDay #nickelbooks and @nickelbooks mention us on social media!
And the websites we’ve used for the links are: www.roalddahl.com, www.penguin.co.uk/puffin and https://www.puffinschools.co.uk